
Friday, January 13, 2012

Urban birding

Had to go to London for a meeting today so challenged @wansteadbirder and @p4rus to a mini-peanut challenge: who can the most species in the day. Off to a flyer even before we'd landed with black headed gull & wood pigeon, closely followed by starling, 2 (count 'em) skylark & kestrel. Gleaned magpie, crow & feral pigeon rattling in on de heafrow express before netting blackbird on the way into the meeting.

Bird of the day had to be the cracking peregrine belting past the window 11 floors up - cool! Tried really hard on the return journey to de plane but couldn't do better than adding herring gull & lbb gull to finish with just 12 for the day.

Soundly by beaten by both the other peanuts, but I'll just have to try harder next time. Not easy, this urban birding lark!