I remember years ago there was a running joke about rare birds always being found on North Ron at 11 o'clock, and that when news broke, folk would put the kettle on for a nice cup of tea before heading out to see it. It was a bit like that today (although less rare!) as I scanned the lake while waiting for the kettle to boil and my toast to pop up. There appeared to be a black-necked grebe diving in the near corner! I made the tea and toast, headed out to the office for my scope, and behold, it WAS a black-necked grebe - only my second for the patch - nice one (61). Of course, had it been a red-necked grebe (an irish tick) I'd have been straight out there, in full headless chicken mode! The 4 goldeneye were still present too.
Black-necked grebe, Kilkeran Lake - Sean Cronin More of Sean's photo's here
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